Electronic Kapak Ultra Violet C clean hearing aid dryer and dehumidifier automatic dry case

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HEARING AID DRYER AND DEHUMIDIFIER, drys hearing aids to ensure longevity and hygiene. Drys and dehumidifies hearing aid at 122 degree Fahrenheit
Kapak hearing aid dryer assists with preventing ear canal problems caused by dirty hearing aids and amplifiers
DRY’s hearing aids to promote product performance. Can take 2 hearing aids of average size. Automatically clean hearing aids in 8 minutes through the use of UV-C lighting
HEARING AID DRYER DEHUMIDIFIER uses USB and mains power to improve versatility – use anywhere, anytime. With soft touch on/off function, feel the light vibration as the unit switches on.
FULLY AUTOMATIC HEARING AID DRYER DEHUMIDIFIER requires no monitoring required. With its micro processor it switches off automatically after 3 hours and controls its own temperature at 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Just set and forget. Watch the time lapse through the LED lighting.
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