tarnishSTOP, Gigantic 28″x14″ Silver Polishing Cloth, Tarnish Remover & Jewelry Cleaner Fabric. Gold, Platinum, Sterling, Plated, Tableware, Flatware, Coins, Non-Abrasive, Non-Toxic & Un-Scented. USA
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??Over Twice the Size of Most Others. ?Safely Removes Tarnish on Sterling Silver & Silver-Plate Jewelry, Flatware & Tableware, Bracelets, Necklaces, Rings and Pins Set with Diamonds, Emeralds, Watches, Etc. ?Buffs Gold & Platinum to Create a Clean & Brilliant Shine ?Won’t Damage Hard Stones, Enameled Items, or Lacquered Woods ?Proudly 100% Made in USA (MA, IL & SC).
??Most Jewelry Polishing Cloths Have ONLY a Small “Treated” Cloth, Sewn Into an “Un-Treated” Cloth (Claimed to be Needed for a Final Buffing). ?Our ENTIRE Giant Product is Made of “TREATED” Cloth! (More Costly to Produce.)
??Safe for Your Finest Jewelry ?Soft and Gentle Flannel Jeweler’s Polishing Cloth ?Made From Treated 100% Recyclable Cotton, Infused With a Special Proprietary Blend of Jeweler’s Polishing Rouge. ?Non-Toxic ?Non-Abrasive ?UNSCENTED
??Leaves a Protective Tarnish Inhibiting Light Wax Coating on Items For a Longer Period Between Polishes ?Helps Prevent New Tarnish ?Protects For a Long Lasting Shine ?Quick touch-ups ?100% Safe for Your Health and for the Environment ?Air-Tight Resealable Zip-Locking Storage Bag (Included) Keeps the Cloth Fresh and Ready to Use.
??LIFETIME GUARANTEE ?All tarnishSTOP Brand Products Are Guaranteed to Perform to Your Satisfaction, Now and in the Future, or Your Money Back… Period.
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