Kirmuss Audio’s KA-RC-1 – Ultrasonic Restoration System, Vinyl Records LPs Albums Disc Cleaner

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IMPORTANT YOU WILL ALSO NEED THREE ITEMS > 2 Gallons of Distilled Water < > a bottle of 70% alcohol < > a clean empty spray bottle along with the Kirmuss Audio Model KA-RC-1 < The KirmussAudio Model KA-RC-1 revolutionizes the way we clean records. First and foremost: a Patented and Patents Pending record suspension system assures where records of any speed and size see their grooves cleaned safely. No damage to the record by the mechanical intrusion of skewers and the like.
USED RECORDS: No matter how you store and use your records they inevitably will require maintenance / cleaning. When playing records, dust particles and contaminants always build on the stylus as the tone arm moves across the record. This accumulation on the needle also “dulls” the sound. The “audible pops” and “crackle sounds” heard are caused by dirt, grime and particles lodged in the record grooves themselves being hit by the needle.
NEW RECORDS: We recommend cleaning new records before they are played. Why? Release agents are found on the record as a residue from the new record pressing process and must be removed prior to use, otherwise, they will attract at an alarming rate dust and other airborne contaminants.
Cleaning WILL NOT remove unwanted sounds caused by scratches on the record surface. There is much nonsense published regarding the cleaning of records. Soaps, chemical mixes, and brews, and especially the use of large portions of alcohol etc., these all affect the record negatively either during or after cleaning. Air drying or blow drying of chemicals that are not physically removed further creates issues that are cumulative over time. We differ in how we handle the record itself.
Audio’s Ultrasonic Restoration System will not work overseas, and has no overseas electrical approvals. Non-Warranty damage to the equipment will incur from use of the machine with any power converter outside the USA.
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